Emerging Markets Debt Hard Currency


The Voya Emerging Markets Debt Hard Currency Strategy offers a total return approach, investing in the full spectrum of the emerging markets (EM) hard currency universe with a focus on sovereign, quasi-sovereign and more liquid EM corporate issuers. We believe actively blending country and security selection against top-line portfolio risks is key to delivering superior, risk-adjusted returns over an investment cycle.

Key Benefits

  • Active blend of hard currency sovereigns, quasi-sovereigns and EM corporates broadens the credit investment universe and sources of opportunity while enhancing yield and returns
  • Pure EMD hard currency-only strategy that excludes EM local currency assets minimizes portfolio volatility and may enhance risk-adjusted return profile
  • Balanced top-down macro and rigorous bottom-up credit analysis with a focus on diversification and avoidance of issuer concentration
  • Risk management integrated through each step of investment process



As of 12/31/241 Month3 MonthYTD1yr3yr5yr10yrSince Inception (9/01/12)

* J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Composite Index

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Periods greater than one year are annualized. Performance data is considered final unless indicated as preliminary. Monthly performance is based on full GIPS Composite returns. Access the GIPS page for full composite details.

The Composite performance information represents the investment results of a group of fully discretionary accounts managed with the investment objective of outperforming the benchmark. Information is subject to change at any time. Gross returns are presented after all transaction costs, but before management fees. Returns include the reinvestment of income. Net performance is shown after the deduction of a model management fee equal to the highest fee charged.


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Investment Team

Anil Katarya

Anil Katarya, CFA

Global Head of Investment Grade Credit

Years of Experience: 27

Years with Voya: 25

Anil Katarya is global head of investment grade credit and senior portfolio manager at Voya Investment Management. Previously at Voya, Anil was the head of credit portfolio management and served as a portfolio manager and credit analyst on the investment grade team. Prior to joining Voya, Anil was a financial analyst for Mirant Inc. He earned an MBA from Georgia State University and a BS in mechanical engineering from Kurukshetra University, India. He is a CFA® Charterholder.
Anthony Routh

Anthony Routh

Portfolio Manager, Emerging Markets Debt

Years of Experience: 19

Years with Voya: 19

Anthony Routh is a portfolio manager on the emerging markets debt team at Voya Investment Management. Previously at Voya, he was a portfolio manager on the structured finance team, covering non-agency mortgages and asset-backed securities. Prior to that, Anthony was an analyst for the non-agency MBS trading desk at Voya. He earned a BBA in finance from the University of Georgia.


Peer Rankings: eVestment collects information directly from investment management firms and other sources believed to be reliable; however, eVestment does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information provided and is not responsible for any errors or omissions. Performance results may be provided with additional disclosures available on eVestment’s systems and other important considerations such as fees that may be applicable. Not for general distribution. All categories not necessarily included. Totals may not equal 100%. Copyright 2013-2023 eVestment Alliance, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Voya Investment Management composite peer rankings represent percentile rankings which are based on monthly gross of fee returns and reflect where those returns fall within the indicated eVestment’s universe. eVestment provides third party databases, including the institutional investment database from which the presented information was extracted. The eVestment institutional investment database consists of over 1,500 active institutional managers, investment consultants, plan sponsors, and other similar financial institutions actively reporting on over 10,000 products. Additional information regarding eVestment rankings for year to date and since inception performance of the composites is available on eVestment’s website. For more information about the rankings presented above, including universe and additional time periods, please see our detailed eVestment ranking slides.

Principal Risk

All investing involves risks of fluctuating prices and the uncertainties of rates of return and yield inherent in investing. All security transactions involve substantial risk of loss. Foreign Investing does pose special risks including currency fluctuation, economic and political risks not found in investments that are solely domestic. Emerging Market securities may be especially volatile.
